生涯学習時代における短期大学の新たなる可能性 : その3 : 教員養成短大と公立小学校との連携
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Today, even more so than previously, cooperation with the institutions of higher education, such as high schools and universities, kindergartens, elementary and junior high schools are occurring and with these schools there is cooperation with the community and governmental agencies. Also there are various cooperation and collaboration among those connected with the above organizations and guest teachers, education support groups, education study volunteers, etc/The authors also along with the guest teachers and those assisting the students from fiscal year 2003 began to grapple the idea of whether together we can make quality improvements through the cooperation of the elementary schools and the teacher training schools in connecting the university's theory and the educational practicum. This research with the purpose of improving the search concerning the problems that teacher training schools have in giving student guidance, focused on consolidating last year's approach and examining the contents. Result The university in giving its students guidance which conform to the elementary schools, must develop "Teaching Material" program. A basic exercise machine video was made in the fiscal year 2004. Elementary school teachers may also utilize it. It was recognized that in order for the elementary school also to continue the link with the university, it is necessary for each of the institutions to continue the cooperation and incorporate it in the management of the schools.
- 九州共立大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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