広島市安佐地区におけるバレーボール運動の発展とその教育的影響に関する総合的研究(2) : 戦後より現在までの運動の展開と,関連する教育的および社会的要因の分析を中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article, we traced and analysed the development of the Volleyball Movement in Asa District since 1945 to date. Many important events have happened during these long years, which added new experiences and power to the movement, thus fostering the tradition of the district. School Volleyball Meet was re-opened in 1946 when the life and social conditions were very severe, but it was really one of the few enjoyment that can give sound delight to children. Just then two things gave impetus to the movement. One was that Mr. T. Yorizane, who started this movement, bacame the principal of Omei Elementary School. But the other was really very surprising news not only to people of this district but also perhaps to people throughout Japan. The news was that Omei Club, the local volleyball team here, won the championship in All Japan Volleyball Meet and National Athletic Meet in 1948 and 1949. The members of this team were the youths who finished Omei elementary School, and worked in the neighborhood. They practiced training in the evening after their daily work. It was really very surprising and unblievable that such local youth team won against strong university teams. Later, some of the members became the players of All Japan Team, and contributed to make up a technique of Jananese combination volleyball. This event gave, perhaps, much influence and impetus to the volleyball of this district. Beside the School Volleyball Meet, which became more prosperous year by year, there arose the new volleyball of adult people, through which the new words 'Asa Volleyball, or 'Kabe-Line Volleyball' were coined and popularly used. Kabe-Line is a name of the railway running through Asa district. The topical events of this fields are (1) the Inter-Municiparities Volleyball Meet, started oin 1954 by the sponsorship of Gion Town, and (2) the PTA Volleyball Meet, started in 1960 by the sponsorship Sato Town. The former was very peculiar in that such big prefecture-wide event was spnsored by a small town. It continued for 20 years till 1973, when this town was merged into Hiroshima City. The latter meet continues to date because of its local character, but it is significant not only in that it gave the model to the Mamasan Volleyball, now very popular throughout Japan, but also in that it has a peculiar rule providing that a team must be organised by 3 men and 6 women. The aim of this rule is to invite as many parents, both fathers and mothers, as possible in mixed teams, and to promote and foster friendship and cooperation through games. Meanwhile, the School Volleyball Meet continued to flourish with ever increasing numbers of schools and pupils participating in the program. Since 1974, the name of the meet was changed to 'Volleyball Festival for Boys and Girls in Hidoshima City,' because the suburban towns were merged into Hiroshima City in 1973. But a big change was that this program began to be held as a Social Athletic Meet. Social life was rapidly changing and the movement towaed life-long learning was making progress year by year. In 1973, the National Council for Social Education presented the report on the 'Social Education for School Students,' in which it stressed the importance of cooperation between School and Social Education programs, suggesting that some of the programs for after school activities can be more effectively operated in the social education programs. Thus, here in Asa District, Volleyball Festival was started in the form of social education activity a little earlier than that report, which was made possible through the long history cooperation between schools and people. In recent years school teams of Asa District that took part in the All Japan Elementary School Volleyball Meet in Tokyo always showed the good records and won higher prizes or sometimes championship. These games are operated with six members in one team. So it is different from the form of Volleyball Festival, which is still now operated with 9 members in one team. The aim of this 9 member rule is to invite as many pupils as possible to join the program, and to give them sound delight through experience of out door games with the coperation and friendship among the participants. This is surely the Spirit of Asa Volleyball Movement, and people in this district have high regard for it as a traditional and valuable culture of their distrct, which should be maintained and succeeded to the later generations for long future. We added some description of Mr. K. Nekota, who studied in Furuichi Elementary School, and who became the world famous best player of volleyball. The memorial gymnasium is now in Hiroshima.
- 1999-03-31
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