C.グラックスの管轄地改革 : lex Sempronia de provinciis consularibusをめぐって(久志本秀夫先生追悼号)
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In 123 B.C., C. Sempronius Gracchus, tribunus plebis, enacted lex Sempronia deprovinciis consularibus which proscribed consular provinces before their election. It has been said that this law was related to foreign policy, so different from his other revolu- tionary acts which characterized reorganization of internal policy. His brother Ti. Sempronius Gracchus also attempted to reform the constitution as tribuns plebis in 133/132 B.C., he, however, was strongly objected by the opponents and killed in tumult. Most important reason of his catastrophe was that he could not receive the support from consuls. Thereafter M. Fulvius Flaccus, consul in 125 B.C. and a friend of the Gracchi, who tried to give Italian the Roman citizenship was dispatched from Rome to Marseilles forcibly by the Senate, therefore his policy was aborted. In this circumstance, C. Sempronius Gracchus who witnessed these fails realized ne- cessity of cooperating,with consuls, and he assisted C. Fannius, consul in 122 B.C., in consular election. And for preventing Fannius to be removed from Rome, C. Gracchus enacted lex Sempronia de provinciis consularibus. Accordingly, the purpose of this law was not for the reformation of foreign policy, but for his revolutionary activity in Rome.
- 2005-03-23