II型糖尿病患者の自己効力感,不安 ・ 抑うつと血糖コントロールの関連
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The purpose of this survey was to clarify the association between blood glucose control and self-efficacy (SE), as well as anxiety/depression, in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, in order to establish guidelines for diabetic patients. In 73 patients with type II diabetes mellitus, the possible associations between the hemoglobin A 1 c (HbA 1 c) level and anxiety/depression and between the HbA 1 c level and the following 3 SE items were evaluated : 1) positiveness of coping behavior for the disease (SE-coping), 2) emotional control of the disease (SE-emotional control), and 3) relationship with the medical institution (SE-relationship). The HbA 1 c level could be significantly predicted by SE-coping and also by depression. These results suggest that an increase in SE-coping and a decrease in depression are useful for controlling blood glucose at appropriate levels.
- 自己効力感, 不安・抑うつと血糖コントロールの関連
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- II型糖尿病患者の自己効力感,不安 ・ 抑うつと血糖コントロールの関連
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