<ECHELON>という怪物 : 国益を制する情報活動
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It was March 1st, 2000. We saw some news about ECHELON system by 5 countries (English=speaking countries)-USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New zealand. It was with a map on the paper of Mainichi Newspaper Co. (Tokyo) written by Mr. Takuya Kishimoto, London Correspondent. On the map, there was a place called "Waihopia" in New Zealand. What's ECHELON? Where's Waihopia? And then, I asked them my friends in Japan and New Zealand. But I was very sorry to say I didn't receive any answers from them. After some months. I found that it's Waihopai near Blenheim in South Island. NZ has two satellite Communications Units in Waihopai and Tangimoana. We know GCSB has an office in Wellington in "NZ Official Year Book". I think ECHELON by 5 countries is un-fair. I say Japan is un-fair, too. We can read a book published in New zealand in 1996. "Secret Powers : New zealand's Role in the International Spy Network" by Nicky Hager. I think the book tells us a lot of informations about ECHELON in New Zealand.
- 日本ニュージーランド学会の論文
- 2001-06-23
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- 資料紹介およびNEWS
- という怪物 : 国益を制する情報活動
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- Incident at Featherston ( 25 February, 1943 ) : 日本側資料の紹介