卓球部この10年間の取り組みとその成果 : 高体連への参加がクラブ活動に与えた影響(人文科学)
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Our table tennis club took part in "Kotairen" (AII Hiroshima Senior High School Table Tennis Championship) for the first time in 1994. This paper deals with our ten years' activities and the result of them, especially with the influence of how the entry into Kotairen has affected our club activities, including some questions accompanying it. After joining it, the number of table tennis matches has increased five times as many as before. The activities have become more activated and, to make matters better, motivation, more training and progress in the skill of table tennis have come to be seen. The advisers have been more experienced to be good table tennis coaches as well. As one of the fruits, our long-cherished wish was realized to win the championship as a team of the 39th Chugoku District Intercollegiate Table Tennis Championship in 2003. But economical charges on both the players and the guardians, and burdens on the advisers are on the increase, so the time has come to reconsider the system of school backing.
- 2004-03-19
- 卓球部この10年間の取り組みとその成果 : 高体連への参加がクラブ活動に与えた影響(人文科学)
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