タイ国仏教寺院における高齢者福祉活動に関する調査研究 : ルーイ県プーカデン郡の事例(西九州大学 II.社会福祉学科)
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A report on the social work activies by the elderly at Buddhist temples in Thailand The purpose of this research is to find how the social work activities are operated at Buddhist temples in PHUKRADUENG county of LOEI prefecture, Thailand. The research has led to the findings which social work activities at Buddhist temples are operated by the organization of the elderly. Moreover, all members of this organization are also the members of the funeral reciprocal support association. The main activities of these elderly organizations are conservation of traditional Buddhist festival, social participation of the elderly, promotion of health, and discovery or creation of something to live for.
- 西九州大学の論文
- 2004-03-01
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- タイ国仏教寺院における高齢者福祉活動に関する調査研究 : ルーイ県プーカデン郡の事例(西九州大学 II.社会福祉学科)
- 在宅介護を担う介護者のQOLに関する研究 : 佐賀県下における在宅介護環境調査から