- 論文の詳細を見る
A hybrid between a female Tursiops truncatus and a male Grampus griseus was born on 29 September 1978 and died on 1 May 1985 in Enoshima Aquarium, Japan. The living period was 2,407 days, which is the longest record among hybrids ever recorded in the world. The specimen was a female of 277cm in body length and was sexually immature. The present hybrid specimen showed intermediate values in cranial characters between T. truncatus and G. griseus. Relationship of the hybrid specimen to Fraser's three anomalous specimens, T. truncatus and G. griseus was discussed using the principal component analysis of 16 cranial characters.
- 1992-06-22
宮崎 信之
Department Of Zoology National Science Museum Tokyo
廣崎 芳次
Aquatic Wildlife Breeding Center Kanagawa
広崎 芳次
宮崎 信之/廣崎
Department of Zoology, National Science Museum, Tokyo/Aquatic Wildlife Breeding Center, Kanagawa/Noi
宮崎 信之/廣崎
Department Of Zoology National Science Museum Tokyo/aquatic Wildlife Breeding Center Kanagawa/noichi
廣崎 芳次
絹田 俊和
Noichi Zoological Park of Kochi Prefecture
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