インドネシア華僑・華人研究史 : スハルト時代から改革の時代への転換(<特集>東南アジアを超えて : 華僑・華人史研究のフロンティア)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Three dominant changes have occurred in the study of the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia after the fall ofSoeharto. First, the study of Indonesian Chinese was freed from the threat of SARA censorship (Suku,Agama, Ras, dan Antar Golongan, or ethnic, religious, racial, and class relations), which was removedafter Soeharto. Second, ethnic Chinese studies have accelerated. Many seminars and discussions are nowheld and many books about the ethnic Chinese have been published in Indonesia. Some aim to abolishinequalities and discriminatory measures and claim justice. Although changes have been made in the law,anti-Chinese hostility still exists in society. Other studies analyze the discourses of Dutch colonialism andIndonesian nationalism and reconsider the Chinese role in nation building, so as to rewrite Indonesian history,which has largely ignored the ethnic Chinese. Third, foreign researchers are shifting their attentionfrom political issues, such as assimilation, national integration, and political identity to subjects reflectingthe changing role of the ethnic Chinese in East and Southeast Asia in an era of globalization and rapid economicgrowth.In this paper I will focus on such changes by reviewing studies done during the New Order regimeand the subsequent period of Reformasi.
- 2006-03-31
- インドネシア華僑・華人研究史 : スハルト時代から改革の時代への転換(東南アジアを超えて : 華僑・華人史研究のフロンティア)
- 生命の樹 : 東南アジア史への招待(第一回)(早稲田大学史学会・連続講演会)
- 東南アジア(二〇〇八年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)