スペイン領フィリピンにおける「中国人」 : "Sangley," "Mestizo" および "Indio"のあいだ(<特集>東南アジアを超えて : 華僑・華人史研究のフロンティア)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。About forty years ago, Edgar Wickberg, in his pioneering and seminal work on the nineteenth-centuryPhilippines, established how the Chinese had emerged as a commercially powerful foreign group in aSpanish colonial setting, while the Chinese mestizos had risen as a "special kind of Filipino" to supportPhilippine national awakening toward the turn of the century. Recently, scholars such as Richard T. Chuhave questioned the identity of the Chinese mestizo as a "special kind of Filipino." Chu argues thatChinese mestizos at the turn of the century had multiple, fluid, and ambiguous identities and cannot besaid to have had a simple Filipino identity. He concludes that the Filipino identity as a nation was onlyestablished definitely after 1910.This paper identifies some of the particular historical factors that brought about the social rise of theChinese mestizo as an uniquely Spanish colonial being distinct from the "chhut-sì-á" or "tsut-sia" of lateryears. This paper also shows that the "Chinese mestizos" Wickberg had in mind were not the same"Chinese mestizos" that Chu deals in his recent works, and suggests that the study of overseas Chinese orChinese overseas can be relevant to Southeast Asian Studies only when it is placed in a historical contextand perspective.
- 2006-03-31
- 18世紀末葉のスペイン領マニラ : 「マニラ公正証書原簿」からみた植民地社会における中国人
- 18世紀末葉のスペイン領フィリピン : マニラ市の「パリアン再建」建議をめぐって
- スペイン領フィリピンにおける「中国人」 : "Sangley," "Mestizo" および "Indio"のあいだ(東南アジアを超えて : 華僑・華人史研究のフロンティア)