拘束されたセメント硬化物の破壊に関する熱力学的研究 : その3 線形域寄与分と非線形域寄与分の区分方法に関する基礎理論
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Among the thermodynamic analyses, in this paper, the displacement of cohesion has been analyzed in physics. As the results, it has proved that the non-linear range and the linear range which overlap with each other can be measured separately, so the author describes the fundamental theory of measuring. In the previous reports, it was proved that the energy of making the non-linear fracture process range is equal to the energy of decreasing from the potential energy in the steel ring. So it is refined that the difference from the displacement of the cohesion in the mortar ring and the increase of the length in steel ring is equal to the linear range. This result suggests that if the increase of the length in the steel ring and the displacement of the cohesion in the mortar ring are measured at the same time, the non-linear range and the linear range can be measured separately.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1994-10-30
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- 拘束されたセメント硬化物の破壊に関する熱力学的研究 : その3 線形域寄与分と非線形域寄与分の区分方法に関する基礎理論
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