防水層下地としてのコンクリートスラブの特性とふくれ形成圧力挙動 : 屋根防水層のふくれ現象のメカニズムに関する研究 その2
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1. Introduction The objective of this study is to clarify the blistering mechanism of membrane roofing applied directly on concrete substrate. In the previous paper, part 1, it was found that the main factors on the pressure increase to form a blister are moisture condition and air permeability of concrete. The moisture is the source of vapor pressure increase and the air permeability governs the pressure diffusion. Therefore, it is important to know both properties of concrete deck, and the practical influences of them on the pressure behavior. In this paper, a series of tests and a numerical analysis were conducted using concrete cured under various conditions simulated actual decks. 2. Concrete Specimens and Their Properties The mix proportion and the curing conditions of concrete specimens are shown in Table 1 and 2. The specimens were placed in the cylindrical PVC molds and cured in the molds for 28 days. After being cured, air permeability (Fig. 1(a)), moisture content and pore size distribution of specimens were measured. The air permeability depends entirely on the curing condition (Fig. 2), and it is physically determined by not only the moisture content but also the densification of concrete. The pore size distributions clearly show that the drying from early age obstructs the densification (Fig. 3). Concrete dried from early age has large pores to induce the extremely high air permeability. 3. Pressure Increase Test After the air permeability was measured, the concrete specimen was processed for the pressure increase test being made a void at the center on the top surface (Fig. l(b)). The void was imitated as a small chamber between roofing and concrete substrate to originate a blister. The specimens were put into a heat insulating wall between two environmental rooms (Fig. 4). One of them was controlled to provide a daily temperature change of 20℃-55℃-20℃ for the void, the other to be constant at 20℃, 40 % RH. The change curve of temperature and the maximum of 55℃ (Fig. 5) was supposed as a typical condition of roofing in a hot sunny day. The test was continued for 90 days and the daily pressure behavior in the void was observed by a manometer. When the test ended, the air permeability and the moisture content of the specimens were measured again. The solid lines in Fig. 6 are the results observed on the first five days and the last 90th day. It is clearly seen that the pressure increase is higher as the duration of sealed-curing is longer and the drying environment more humid. The pressure increase on the 90th day of every specimen became a little lower compared with on the first because the moisture content became a little lower and the air permeability a little higher. The high pressure increase, however, was kept in the specimen such as [4 w] or [1w-75]. It thus appears that a blister of membrane roofing grows through such a daily cyclic pressure behavior. 4. Relation Between Pressure Increase and Concrete Properties The relation between blistering and moisture content of substrate has often discussed in the literatures because more moisture contained in concrete can generate higher vapor pressure. From our results, the pressure increase became larger if the average moisture content was more than 6%, or the surface moisture content more than 5 % at the first period of the test (Fig. 7 and 8). At the last of the test, however, the relation between them was obviously different. On the other hand, the air permeability had a close relationship with the pressure increase in spite of the change of moisture content throughout the test period (Fig. 9). It is concluded that the air permeability of concrete has a significant effect on the pressure increase to form a blister, while the moisture content has a slight in practice. It can be said that a sufficient moist curing makes the air permeability low and the pressure increase high. It should be noted, however, that the concrete with a low air permeability never directly promotes the blister growth because such a concrete can prevent the entry of additional air to grow the blister. Further investigations will be required to evaluate the influences of concrete properties on the blister growth. 5. Numerical Calculation of Pressure Behavior The pressure diffusive equation in concrete for the blistering problem proposed by the authors was as follows ; (∂t)/(∂P)=(εμ)/(P_0k)div grad P+(∂t)/(∂P_α)+(∂t)/(∂P_υ) where P is the internal pressure between membrane roofing and concrete or in pores of concrete, P_0 is the initial pressure, k is the air permeability of concrete, e is the effective porosity (gas-permeable, water-unfilled porosity) of concrete, μ is the viscosity of air, P_α is the thermal expansive pressure of dry air and P_υ is the water vapor pressure. Both ∂P_α/∂t and ∂P_υ/∂t are calculated from the temperature change in concrete due to the heat conduction. When the air permeability is low, the pressure diffusion or the air flow from the void into concrete is little then the pressure increase becomes high. The broken lines in Fig. 6 are the results obtained from the numerical calculation based on the equation above and the assumption that the vapor pressure is always saturated. The agreement between experimental and calculated results is fairly good. It is found that the numerical analysis proposed is applicable enough to concrete cured under various conditions and that the daily pressure behavior between a membrane roofing and an actual deck can be simulated. This suggests that the numerical analysis is also available for the investigation on the blister growth, by relating the pressure and/or the air-flow behaviors to the volume change of blister. The dot lines in Fig. 6, [1w-40] and [1w-75], are the same calculated ones but based on the assumption that the vapor pressure is 40 % or 75 % of saturation. They are almost equal to the saturated ones. It is numerically confirmed that the pressure increase depends excellently on the air permeability of concrete. 6. Conclusion 1) The air permeability of concrete deck as a substrate for membrane roofing depends entirely on the curing condition and it is physically determined by not only the moisture content but also the densification of concrete. 2) The pressure increase to form a blister of membrane roofing is more closely effected by the air permeability of concrete than the moisture content because the pressure diffusion, which is governed by the air permeability, is much more distinguished than the vapor pressure increase. 3) The numerical calculation based on the pressure diffusive equation can explain enough the daily pressure behavior to form a blister of membrane roofing.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1991-09-30
橋田 浩
橋田 浩
小池 迪夫
小池 迪夫
小池 迪夫
小池 迪夫
田中 亨二
田中 亨二
- 塗り床のふくれ発生機構の一考察
- 1463 高強度マスコンクリート構造体の強度発現・自己収縮特性と組織構造 : その1 : 実験計画、温度履歴、強度発現性
- 1301 アスファルト防水層のふくれ形成シミュレーション : 屋根防水層ふくれ現象のメカニズムの解明・その7
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- 1518 セメント硬化体の半透過性による発生圧力に関する検討
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- 1291 オゾン試験方法の検討 : その3 温度の影響
- 1290 オゾン試験方法の検討 : その2 負荷条件についての考察
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- 1085 仕上げ材下地としてのコンクリートの含水状態の検討(2) : 乾燥途中のコンクリート表面を水分しょへい層で密閉したことによる内部温度分布および含水率分布の測定
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- 1464 高強度マスコンクリート構造体の強度発現・自己収縮特性と組織構造 : その2 : 自己収縮特性
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- 1008 高強度コンクリート構造体の強度発現性と組織構造の経時変化 : (その1 : 実験計画、温度履歴、強度発現性)
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- 1400 高強度コンクリートの強度発現性状に関する研究 : その2 強度発現に関する検討
- 1386 初期高温履歴を受ける高強度コンクリートの自己収縮応力とその算定に関する検討
- 1046 鉄筋拘束供試体による高強度コンクリートの収縮応力の検討
- 1 品質管理における初期養生環境がコンクリート供試体強度に及ぼす影響(材料・施工)
- 1489 養生初期に含水量を調整したコンクリートの細孔空隙構造と圧縮強度及び中性化に関する検討
- 1101 若材齢時から乾燥を受けるコンクリートの圧縮強度および細孔空げき組織に関する一検討
- APPおよびSBS改質アスファルトル-フィングメンブレンの熱的および力学的特性に与える熱劣化の影響, O. Dutt, R.M. Paroli, N. P. Mailvaganam : Effect of heat-ageing on the thermal and mechanical properties of APP and SBS modified bituminous roofing membranes [Materials and Structure, Vol.26, No.160, 1993
- 一般消費プラスチック廃材の建設材料への再利用, C. J. Kibert and D. L. Waller : Recycling post-consumer polymers into construction materials [Construction & Building Materials, Vol.6, No.2, 1992, pp.67-75, 図11, 表11](材料・施工)(文献抄録)
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- 建築用高分子防水材料の熱劣化荷重地図の作成
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- 屋根防水層のふくれに及ぼす下地コンクリートの要因 : 屋根防水層のふくれ現象のメカニズムに関する研究・その1
- 1211 建築用高分子防水材料の熱劣化荷重地図の作成 : 高分子防水材料 熱劣化荷重 相当環境温度
- 1193 塗床材のふくれに及ぼす環境条件の影響 : 塗床材のふくれ現象の解明・その2
- 1192 下地コンクリートの透気性に基づくふくれ圧力・ふくれ状況の評価 : 屋根防水層ふくれ現象のメカニズムの解明・その4
- 1182 シーリング材を用いた柔らかな接合部の力学挙動
- 1055 珪酸質塗布防水材料を塗布したモルタルのX線回析および熱分析
- 1054 珪酸質塗布防水材料を塗布したモルタルの組織緻密化及び水密性評価
- 1047 温度勾配のある仕上材下地コンクリートの含水状態に関する実験的検討 : 電極挿入型静電容量法によるモルタル内部の含水分布の測定
- 1143 防水層のふくれに関する研究 その1 定容積ふくれモデルによる内部圧力の測定
- 1053 地下スラブ-塗床材境界における床ふくれ圧力の測定 : 塗床材のふくれ現象の解明・その1
- 3034 石灰石骨材を用いた超高強度コンクリートの耐火性能(鉄筋コンクリート系構造(1),防火)
- 1050 棒状材料を用いた勾配屋根の防雨機構の基礎的研究
- 1271 棒状材料を用いた勾配屋根の防雨性能 : ガラス棒を例としたときの棒間の水処理能力について
- ジョイントムーブメントにより生ずるシーリング材の応力およびその粘弾性的検討 : ムーブメントを生じているジョイントでのシーリング材の挙動(その2)
- 1001 屋根防水層にふくれ再現実験とその数値解析 : 屋根防水層ふくれ現象のメカニズムの解明・その6
- 防水層のふくれ (水はいたずら,その原因と対策)
- 1114 硬化セメントペーストの半透過性による水に一方向移動に関する検討 : 細孔構造の違いが水の移動に及ぼす影響
- 打設直後からの乾燥途中におけるコンクリートの含水状態 : 仕上げ材下地としてのコンクリートの含水状態の検討その1
- 合成高分子防水材料の熱劣化負荷地図の作成とその利用
- 1343 セメント硬化体における水の一方向移動に関する実験 : セメント硬化体の半透過性の検討
- 1031 下地コンクリート中へのふくれ圧力拡散シミュレーション : 防水層ふくれ現象のメカニズムの解明・その3
- 1002 建築用高分子防水材料の熱劣化荷重地図の作成とその評価
- 1007 防水用ゴムシートの熱劣化荷重地図の作成とその利用
- 1002 コンクリートの透気性からみたふくれ圧力逸散性についての検討 : 防水層ふくれ現象のメカニズムの解明・その2
- 1001 コンクリート仕上層境界に温度上昇により派生する圧力の測定 : 防水層ふくれ現象のメカニズムの解明・その1
- 1273 膜材料の二軸張力場における疲労特性
- 1225 パネル温度計による簡易日射量測定法について
- 1068 棒状繊維材料を用いた勾配屋根の防雨性能 : ガラス棒を用いた場合
- 塗膜防水通気緩衝工法のふくれ圧力低減効果の評価方法の開発