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The reinforced concrete buildings with the base rotating shear walls recently have been recognized that it becomes harder for the shear failure to occur, and that expected well ductile. However, the behaviors of base rotation of a structural wall are not clearly understood. This paper examines fundamental response properties of frames, the relationship between frames and constituent members and the effect of reinforcement ratio of members on the horizontal deflections and the ultimate strength of frames. A seven-story reinforced concrete building with shear walls on footing foundation was chosen as a prototype one. The results obtained here could be summarized as follows: (1) Regardless of seismic loading, there was a good similarity between the hinge formation patterns at ends of member of structures in the same story deformation level. (2) Between the maximum ductility factor of boundary beam and the maximum interstory deflection angle had a plain linear relation. This relationship suggests the possibility estimating frame deformations subjected to earthquake by the deformation ability of boundary members. (3) While the reinforcement ratio of boundary column had little effect on story displacements and ultimate strength of buildings, the reinforcement ratio of column with wall had large one. Furthermore, the poor reinforcement ratio of wall had the possibility developing of plastic hinge at ends of wall members.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1988-11-30
- 柱の二軸曲げを考慮した鉄筋コンクリー架構の解析
- 2140 多質点せん断振動系における層ねじれモーメントの推定 : その4 : 1つの層に剛心ずれを有する構造物の場合
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- 9. 応答に及ぼす復元力特性の影響 : その1. 第2分枝剛性と応答の関係(構造)
- 10. 多質点ねじれせん断系に関する基礎的研究 : その1. 弾性系における剛心ずれと重心ずれ(構造)
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- 柱脚部に浮き上がりを生した耐震壁の力学的性状 : その4:架橋の変形及び応力に対する検討(構造)
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- 2500 連層耐震壁の地下階における逆せん断力について
- 20. 中層鉄筋コンクリート造構造物の連層耐震壁に生じる逆せん断力について(構造)
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- 2671 軟弱地盤中の硬質地層が杭の力学的性状に及ぼす影響
- 13. 軟弱地盤中の硬質地層が杭の力学的性状に及ぼす影響(構造)
- 連層壁を有する鉄筋コンクリート造骨組の地震応答性状
- 2454 連層壁を有する鉄筋コンクリート造骨組の応力変形性状 : (その1) 部材鉄筋比の影響
- 2037 回転壁を有する架構の崩壊過程における応力変形性状
- 15. 回転壁を有する架構の基本的力学的性状(構造)
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- 2323 架構面外の壁の力学的特性(その3)
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- 19 鉄筋コンクリート造耐震壁の復元力モデル(構造)
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