コンクリート表層部モルタルの密実性に及ぼす単位水量の影響 : 体積吸水率からの基礎的考察
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of water content perunit volume of concrete on the porosity of mortar matrix of hardened concrete surface. The conclusions of the test results are summarized as follows. 1) Under the condition of same water cement ratio and same curing, as water content per unit volume of concrete gets bigger, the volumetric coefficient of water absorption of mortar specimen gradually increases. 2) Under the same curing condition, as water cement ratio gets smaller, the ratio of the change of the volumetric coefficient of water absorption of mortar specimen to the change of water content per unit volume of concrete gradually increases. 3) Under the condition of same water cement ratio and same water content per unit volume of concrete, the volumetric coefficient of water absorption of mortar specimen of sealed curing, is smaller than that of dry curing. 4) Additionally, it is also found that water content per unit volume of concrete has the influence on both the quantity of pore of mortar specimen, and the water permeability of concrete specimen.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1988-10-30
高木 直
三上 貴正
小野 英哲
地濃 茂雄
高木 直
小野 英哲
三上 貴正
地濃 茂雄
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