地域高齢者の日常生活における生活要求と情報要求の特性 : 地域を考慮した高齢者の生活情報環境の形成のための基礎的研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to clarify the structure of life information demands for the aged. Categories of life information are classified into 9,including 45 items correspondingly daily life needs. Those items are used in the questionnaires for the aged living different regions. Main results of this study are as follows. 1. The aged in the urban area and housing estates tend to have life information demands on the spare time culture and safety, on the contrary, those in the town and country on the transportation and security. 2. Much part of the aged gets the life information from one's family, but also from information media. And slightly different tendency is found between urbanized areas and countryside. 3. The latter aged tends to have more demands for the information of safety, security and communication than the former aged. 4. The major life information demands are on the health keeping/life-saving and security. And the next demands are on the transportation, spare time culture and daily activities.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2002-08-30
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- 地域高齢者の日常生活における生活要求と情報要求の特性 : 地域を考慮した高齢者の生活情報環境の形成のための基礎的研究
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