- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper presents the results of an investigation concerned with an analytical solution of the simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in the multi-layered wall composed of hygroscopic porous materials in the steady periodic state (integral transformed space) for the analysis of humidity and temperature variations in the room air and wall. We had reported the linear simultaneous heat and moisture transfer equations for the analysis, above mentiond, and analytical method of solution. The solution of multi-layered wall is obtained numerically by the multiplication of the state transmission matrix (8 terminal matrix) or one point boundary value solution of each layer. But numerical solutions of the over-all transmission matrix by numerical multiplicaton of single layer matrix show the qreat loss of accuracy due to the loss of significant digit, when depth or effective depth of layer is large. In this study, over-all state transmission matrix of multi-layered wall is derived analytically by the analytical multiplication of single layer transmission matrix using the solutions of two independent equations transformed from the basic simultaneous equations of the linear transformation and introduction of new dependent variables. And over-all admittance matrix of multi-layered wall is derived from the over-all transmission matrix. mentioned above. These solutions give the accurate numerical results without loss of significant digit. It is shown that over-all transmission matrix.do not satisfy the reciprocal theory.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1985-01-30
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