Studies on Anthranillic Acid Derivatives (I) : Reactions of Anthranilamide with Car
ABE Yasuyuki
Department of Applied Chemistry & Biochemistry, Kumamoto University
Abe Yasuyuki
Department Of Chemistry
- Chemistry in Mega-gravity : Preparation of Molecular-scaled Graded Materials from Radical Copolymerization
- Ultrastrong Gravity-induced Unusual Reactivity in Radical Addition of Bromotrichloromethane to Ethyl Cinnamate
- Sensor Properties and Surface Characterization of Silver-deposited SPR Optical Fibers
- Studies on Anthranillic Acid Derivatives (I) : Reactions of Anthranilamide with Car
- Studies on Aldehyde-collidine (IV) : Syntheses of Bifunctional Pyridine Derivatives and their Reactions