任意回転軸を持つ回転内部流熱伝達を予測する乱流モデルの構築(ガスタービン技術の最先端 : 伝熱・燃焼,ガスタービン技術の最先端)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Turbulence model has been improved so far for analysis of a turbulent flow with rotation. In particular, a modified nonlinear two-equation model was proposed, with which rotating channel flows with spanwise rotations were predicted very accurately. Recently, rotating channel flows with arbitrary rotating axes have been investigated by direct numerical simulation (DNS). Although a knowledge of spanwise rotating channel flow has been accumulated, there are few reports on streamwise and wall-normal rotating channel flows. In the present study, based on our DNS databases of streamwise and wall-normal rotating channel flows, the existing nonlinear two-equation heat-transfer turbulence models were evaluated. And using the results of evaluation, we improved the modeled expression of turbulent heat-flux for heat transfer in flows with arbitrary rotating axes.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-09-04
- 種々のPr数流体に適応できる混合時間スケール温度場SGSモデル(熱工学,内燃機関,動力など)
- 種々のPr数流体に適応できる混合時間スケール温度場SGSモデル
- 乱流モデリングにおけるDNSの役割
- 逆圧力こう配乱流境界層の構造
- 1910 2次元丘周り乱流場の熱・物質輸送(S21-2 噴流,後流及びはく離流れの流動解析と応用(2),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
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- 452 剥離・再付着を伴う2次元加熱丘周りの乱流熱拡散に関する研究(OS3-1 伝熱研究の新展開)
- 451 2次元丘周りにおける移流拡散現象の乱流測定と構造解析(OS3-1 伝熱研究の新展開)
- 625 強安定成層下にある乱流温度場境界層のDNS(乱流の数値シミュレーション,OS26 乱流の数値シミュレーション)