アメリカ教育行政学研究序説(第I報) : アメリカ教育行政学成立期の一考察
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本研究は,国民の教育権確立のための教育行政学構築の一環として,アメリカ教育行政学の生成と発展を歴史的に考察しようとするものである。本稿では,副題で示したように,アメリカ教育行政学の成立期に焦点を当てる。具体的には,19世紀後半から20世紀初期の間に刊行された教育行政学に関する著書を検討し,その特質と問題点とを明らかにする。ここで,アメリカ教育行政学の成立期という時期区分について若干説明しておかなければならないであろう。アメリカ教育行政学の発達の時期区分をどう定めるかはむずかしい問題であるが,筆者は,先行研究に学びつつ,その成立期を20世紀初期と設定できるのではないかと考えた。但し,それはこの素描的考察からの仮説であって,研究の進展の中で修正していきたい。Like the school itself, the control of education in the United States is indigenous, and the product of the conditions of American life. In the direct authority exercised by the people, the system of school control is unique and an expression of American tradition. The development of the school administration took place during the last half of the nineteenth century. However, little had been written before 1900 on educational administration, and formal preparation programs for school administrators had not yet been developed. But this early period did provide a wealth of varied experiences in administration. Many books on the educational administration published rapidly after the opening of the twentieth century. Programs for the professional preparation of school administrators were inaugurated in leading universities. The focal point of emphasis in educational administration during the first two or three decades of the present century was on "scientific" management. It reflected the efficiency engineering movement in industry and the scientific movement in education, both of which flourished during the first quarter of the century.
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