Investigation of In-Cylinder Soot Formation and Exhaust Soot Emission of a Direct Injection SI Engine by Laser-Induced Incandescence(LII)(Measurement PM in Flames)
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The reduction of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions is a key point in the development of modern spark ignition engines. One of the most promising approaches is the gasoline direct injection (GDI) with fuel stratification. An important part in the frame of GDI engine development is to solve the soot problem at the combustion of heterogeneous charges. The soot formation and oxidation of a GDI engine working at stratified charge condition was investigated inside the combustion chamber by means of the laser-induced incandescence (LII) technique in a two-dimensional configuration. To investigate the phenomena of soot formation, the mixture distribution as well as the subsequent combustion have been visualized within the same engine cycle. Additionally, a quantitative online analysis of the exhaust gas was conducted by a LII sensor system (LI SA) to show the correlation of in-cylinder soot formation and emission. The collection of the results of all measurement techniques provides a deep insight into the interacting chain of combustion, soot production and emission. The subject of investigation was a single cylinder research engine with gasoline direct injection and a jet guided fuel stratification concept. For the 2D laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) measurements a KrF excimer laser operating at a wavelength of 248 nm has been used for exciting an isooctane/TEA mixture as a substitute fuel. In the same plane, the fundamental of a Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) heated up the soot particles and the 2D image of the black body radiation has been detected (LII). For the execution of the measurements of fuel distribution (fuel/vapour), combustion characteristics (visible & UV Flame) and soot appearance within the very same cycle, an ICCD camera system has been applied which is capable for taking four images simultaneously. To analyze the soot particles in the exhaust gas, the laser-induced incandescence soot analyzer (LI2SA) which has been developed by ESYTEC (Energie- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Germany), was applied to the exhaust manifold. This LI2SA sensor is able to measure the soot volume fraction as well as the specific soot surface area quantitatively with high temporal resolution.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-08-02
Leipertz Alfred
Lehrstuhl Fur Technische Thermodynamik (ltt) University Of Erlangen-niirnberg : Esytec Energie- Und
Schraml Stephan
Esytec Energie- Und Systemtechnik Gmbh
Ipp Wolfgang
Lehrstuhl Fur Technische Thermodynamik (ltt) University Of Erlangen-niirnberg
Goldlucke Jurgen
Lehrstuhl fur Technische Thermodynamik (LTT) University of Erlangen-Niirnberg
Seelig Oliver
Lehrstuhl fur Technische Thermodynamik (LTT) University of Erlangen-Niirnberg
Leipertz Alfred
Lehrstuhl Fur Technische Thermodynamik (ltt) University Erlangen-nuremberg
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- Investigation of In-Cylinder Soot Formation and Exhaust Soot Emission of a Direct Injection SI Engine by Laser-Induced Incandescence(LII)(Measurement PM in Flames)
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