高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分における人工バリア材料のハンドリング,定置に関わる遠隔操作技術の開発 : 曲面用エアベアリングの製作および適用可能範囲の検討(NP4 核燃料サイクル・バックエンド技術)
- 論文の詳細を見る
R&D project on remote handling and emplacement techniques for waste package and buffer material at high-level radioactive waste repository, conducted by RWMC(Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center), had started at fiscal year 2000. Several investigation and performance-tests on repository operation technologies are now on the process to be summarized their technical feasibility, applicability and achieved performance as a technical menu. A pre-assembled package method of engineered barrier system(EBS), which consists of waste package itself and buffer material, was evaluated as a type of remote operation concept which can realize a relatively streamlined operation method inside a drift tunnel at a deep underground repository. Performance of air-bearing unit for the transportation of pre-assembled package was tested under simulated drift surface condition, especially for surface unevenness and surface preparation of the drift. Applicability and flexibility of emplacement operation for the pre-assembled package by use of the air-bearing unit was discussed.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-06-22
- B-1-13 レイトレース法によるトンネル内伝搬シミュレーション(B-1.アンテナ・伝播A(電波伝搬,非通信利用),一般セッション)
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- 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分における人工バリア材料のハンドリング,定置に関わる遠隔操作技術の開発 : 曲面用エアベアリングの製作および適用可能範囲の検討(NP4 核燃料サイクル・バックエンド技術)
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