高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分におけるニアフィールドの熱-水-応力-化学連成挙動評価(NP4 核燃料サイクル・バックエンド技術)
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In the near-field after emplacement of the high-level radioactive waste in a repository, the coupled thermo -hydro -mechanical and chemical (T-H-M-C) processes will occur. Observation periods by laboratory and in-situ experiments are very short and information by natural analogue studies is very limited, so numerical experiments are the only available approach to predict the near-field long-term evolution. We have-initiated a research on the coupled T-H-M-C processes and are trying to carry out numerical experiments on the coupled T-H-M-C processes in order to predict the near-field long-term evolution. This paper-presents our current status and future activities on the research for numerical experiments on the coupled T-H-M-C processes.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-06-22
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