FCV用Type3容器及びType4容器への水素急速充填試験(FR5 水素・燃料電池)
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High pressure cylinders are generally used as the fuel storage system of fuel cell vehicles. Currently aluminum liner carbon FRP cylinder and plastic liner carbon FRP cylinder are used as the storage tank. In this report, fast fill tests of 35MPa hydrogen for FCV TypeS cylinder (FRP cylinder with metal liner) and Type4 cylinder(FRP cylinder with non-metallic liner) were done to determine the maximum allowable temperature in Japanese regulation. The test result shows the hydrogen gas temperature inside the cylinder exceeded 85 degree C in both cases of TypeS cylinder and Type4 cylinder. There is the correlation between the increase of hydrogen gas temperature inside the cylinder and the fast fill rate. Then it may be possible to estimate the filling gas temperature and filling time so that the hydrogen gas temperature inside the cylinder does not exceed 85 degree C during the fast fill for each type of cylinder.
- 2004-06-22
渡辺 正五
鈴木 仁治
鈴木 仁治
日本自動車研 Fc・evセ
柿原 清貴
押野 幸一
鈴木 仁治
- FCV用Type3容器及びType4容器への水素急速充填試験(FR5 水素・燃料電池)
- エネルギ・環境研究部 燃料電池グループ
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