『阿仏仮名諷誦』校本 稿
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Abutsukanafujyu is supposed to be written by Abutsuni (阿仏尼) on the occasion of the important rites to pray for the deceased husband. We can classify the books copied of Abutsukanafujyu into two categories: the supplement of Izayoinikki and the books handed down separately. For example, there is the text 322-540 in Izayoinikki owned by the museum Kono which is situated at Imabari. This copied text is designated as the old one, and is similar to the text that YAMAGISHI Tokuhei reprinted by hand and we can find in the pocketbook owned by Jissen Women's University. This pocketbook is considered as the copy of Sanjonishikebon, that is to say the copy of Abutsujihitsubon. In this report, we will collect and study the variant texts in the eighteen books among the supplement of Izayoinikki and in the night books handed down independently. Our study is based on the Abutsukanafujyu which is the part at the end of the Izayoinikki owned by the museum Kono.
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