子どもと家庭の生活問題の構造とその地域性 : 「子ども家庭福祉」の対象課題に関する研究
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This article analyzed the structure and source of life problems faced by children and their families, and attempted to reveal the nature of welfare policies by researching the lifestyles and health of children and their families in Gobo city, Wakayama prefecture in 2003. The results indicated that the difficulties and problems associated with child rearing and child development are a social problem. These problems are basically brought about by the working conditions of the head of the household and the level of lifestyle within the community. Therefore, working class families that work under unstable working conditions are likely to face severe difficulties and anxieties with regards to house-keeping funds and child rearing, as well as eating habits and health conditions. However, in families where the working conditions are relatively stable, stress and the inability to cope with child bearing responsibilities likely occur because of problems in the community, for example, insufficient education, health and social service resources, as well as poor social ties. The life problems of children and their families often seen in poorer families have spread to relatively stable working class individuals. Furthermore, since the degree of social development in communities varies, these problems are characterized by local conditions. Therefore, social policies for children and their families that correspond to locality as well as class structure are required.
- 県立広島大学の論文
- 2004-12-22
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