A Study of the Mesoscale Structure of Typhoon Flo (T9019) : A Case of COMPARE Model Intercomparison
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Numerical experiments are performed for Typhoon Flo (T9019), which was the subject of an international model intercomparison (COMPARE III). The model used is a mesoscale-convection-resolving model. A global objective analysis (GANAL) data produced by JMA is used as an initial condition, and the initial time is 00 UTC 14 September 1990. The horizontal grid size is taken to be 5/36 degrees (about 15 km) in the fine-mesh area of a triply-nested grid model. Mesoscale structure of the simulated typhoon is studied in detail. Cloud water and rainwater fields are compared with satellite images. In the first 12 hours, the predicted rainwater field is quite different from that suggested from satellite images, mainly because the initial field is latently stable in the typhoon area. Latent instability is created by strong surface winds. Later in the integration, the rainfall patterns exhibit several important features in the satellite images. The simulated 6-hour accumulated rainfall between 48 and 54 hours is compared with some simulations from COMPARE. Rainfall amounts in the inner area of the typhoon, and in the tropics, appear to be better simulated. It is also shown that the time change of latent instability distribution is an important measure to explain how the rainfall distribution during this period is realized. Comparison of the wind fields at 200 hPa indicates great differences among the models. The structure of simulated rainbands is examined in some detail. It is shown that the model simulates rainbands of four types, with respect to locations of updraft/downdraft and the cold pool relative to the rainwater field, and whether the inflow into the rainband is on the concave edge or the convex edge. Behavior of mesoscale organized convection, which constitutes the rainband, is also examined. These results suggest that even a model with a coarse grid size of about 15 km can describe important features of the mesoscale structure of tropical cyclones.
- 2005-12-26
Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Yamasaki Masanori
Frontier Research Center For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology
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