Some open problems on the analysis of the Cauchy-Fueter system in several variables(Exact WKB Analysis and Fourier Analysis in the Complex Domain)
Struppa Daniele
Department Of Mathematical Sciences George Mason University
Sabadini Irene
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Milano
Sabadini Irene
Dipartimento Di Matematica Universita Di Milano
- On the Fabry-Ehrenpreis-Kawai Gap Theorem
- On the "grouping" phenomenon for holomorphic solutions of infinite order differential equations(Exact WKB Analysis and Fourier Analysis in the Complex Domain)
- Overconvergence Phenomena For Generalized Dirichlet Series
- Some open problems on the analysis of the Cauchy-Fueter system in several variables(Exact WKB Analysis and Fourier Analysis in the Complex Domain)