ラット三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核に投射する内因性疼病抑制系神経回路網の解析 : ビオチン化デキストランアミンを用いた研究
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The distribution of terminals in the spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (TgNC) in rats arising from the pontine lateral tegmental area (A7), nucleus raphe magnus (RMg) and nucleus reticularis magnocellularis (NRM) was examined using anterograde axonal transport of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). After injection of BDA, the rats were deeply anesthetized and perfused by 2% paraformaldehyde. The brainstem and spinal cord were removed and cut into 50 μm thick, transverse frozen sections and processed according to the avidin-biotin complex method. In each experiment, anterogradely labeled fibers and terminals were searched for the TgNC and recorded by camera lucida. Following injections of BDA into A7, labeled fibers in the magnocellar layer (MC) ran toward the substantia gelatinosa (SG). Labeled varicosities and bouton-like structures of origin of A7 were distributed in the SG of TgNC. After injection of BDA into the RMg, labeled fibers, varicosities and bouton-like structures were distributed in the MC of TgNC. No labeled structures were observed in the marginal layer and SG. Numerous labeled fibers, varicosities and bouton-like structures of origin of NRM, were observed in all laminae of TgNC. In this study, NRM had strong connections with TgNC. The projections were usually found bilaterally with a clear ipsilateral preponderance. These findings indicate that afferent input of the TgNC from A7, RMg and NRM are topographically organized, and suggest that these nuclei have different functions of antinociception to the TgNC. These projections may play an important role for suppression of the activity of nociceptive neurons in the trigeminal system.
- 2001-12-30
- 19.福岡歯科大学附属病院手術室における肥満患者の全身麻酔症例の統計学的検討(第30回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
- ラット三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核に投射する内因性疼痛抑制系神経回路網の解析 : ビオチン化デキストランアミンを用いた研究(平成12年度福岡歯科大学大学院歯学研究科博士論文内容の要旨及び審査結果の要旨)
- ラット三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核に投射する内因性疼病抑制系神経回路網の解析 : ビオチン化デキストランアミンを用いた研究
- 局所麻酔下の上顎洞底挙上術のための腸骨採取に対する等比重0.5%ブピバカイン脊髄くも膜下麻酔