顎矯正手術によるCondyle-Fossa Relationshipの変化が関節構造に及ぼす影響
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Repositioning the mandibular condyle in the glenoid fossa is one of the most crucial aspects of orthognathic surgery. This study examined the anatomical condyle-fossa relationship, favorable positions of the condyle in the fossa and the effects of changing the condyle-fossa relationship on the temporomandibular joint. The study was performed during simulation using a two-dimensional finite element model following orthognathic surgery. The distributions of stress were also analyzed. The results and conclusions were as follows : 1. It was confirmed that the standard model of both the frontal and sagittal plane showed regulative ability in maintaining a definite distribution of stress as the loading direction was changed. 2. Increases in shearing stress were recognized on the frontal plane in the externally shifting model and on the sagittal plane in the superiorly shifting model. Therefore, it was suggested that the condylar shift could affect the temporomandibular structure. 3. The region where shearing stress was increased due to the condylar shift corresponded to the region where structual changes in bone are clinically recognizable. 4. It was considered that when the condylar position is biomechanically ideal and correct, the joint surfaces facing each other maintain a definite spatial distance proportionate to the articular thickness between them. 5. In order to establish a standard method of condylar positioning, it is important to minimize the extent to which muscles and ligaments are detached from bones.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1998-03-31
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