歯科矯正治療に用いるフッ素徐放性ポリウレタンエラストマーに関する研究 : 力学的性質および歯質の耐酸性の向上について
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A study on experimental fluoride-releasing elastomers with 0〜5.0wt% tin fluoride revealed that tensile strength and elongation of E580 with 1.25wt% tin fluoride were superior to those of clinically used elastomers, but were inferior to E580 without tin fluoride. The purpose of this study was to investigate in detail the mechanical properties and efficacy of prevention of enamel decalcification of elastomers with 0〜1.25wt% tin fluoride. Experimental elastomers were prepared by incorporation of 0〜1.25wt% tin fluoride into three kinds of base elastomers: E580, E590 and P2363. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elongation, initial stress, stress relaxation and the residual stress ratio were assessed. Fluoride releasing abilities and effects on acid resistance of human enamel were also studied. The results were as follows: 1. Tensile strength decreased with the incorporation of tin fluoride into elastomers. The tensile strength of P2363 was greater than that of E580, and the elongation of both E580 and P2363 was greater than that of E590 (p<0.05, Scheffe's test). 2. The initial stress of E590 was significantly greater than that of the other two (p<0.05, Scheffe's test). The stress relaxation of E580 and E590 increased with the increase of fluoride incorporation. The residual stress of experimental elastomers was 27〜46% three weeks later. 3. The acid resistance of enamel affected by the fluoride-releasing elastomers was enhanced by 20〜25%. The acquired acid resistance rate was not significantly different between 0.5wt% and 1.25wt% tin fluoride elastomers (p>0.05,Mann-Whitney). These results suggested that the experimental elastomers had enough mechanical properties and capacity to enhance the acid resistance of enamel to be used clinically.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 2004-03-25
- 2.脱灰後のエナメル質のマイクロラジオグラフィ(CMR)と化学分析(第30回福岡歯科大学学会総会抄録)
- フッ素徐放性ポリウレタンエラストマーに関する研究
- デジタルマイクロスコープおよびマイクロデンシトメーターを用いた人工う蝕歯の観察と脱灰量の測定
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- エナメル質表層下脱灰に及ぼすフッ素イオンの影響 : デジタルマイクロスコープとマイクロデンシトメーターを用いた検討
- 歯科矯正治療に用いるフッ素徐放性ポリウレタンエラストマーに関する研究 : 力学的性質および歯質の耐酸性の向上について