- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, the apex of one root was resected in comparatively wide range (1/3-1/2) in rat vital molar, and the healing process of the cutting surface and the surrounding tissues was examined histopathologically. The results were as follows. 1. The cutting surface were closed by bone-like dentin, and the dental pulp remained sufficient biological activities by the other side of the roots nutrition supply. 2. The healing pattern of the cutting surface was either type I, in which regeneration of the periodontal ligament was observed without adhesion to the alveolar bone, or type II, in which adhesion to the alveolar bone occurred via cartilaginous tissue. Type I could be further classified into type I-A, in which little cement formation was observed at the end of the cutting surface, and aggregations of many odontoclasts were noted, and type I-B, in which marked proliferation of cement was observed at the end of the cutting surface. From these results. It is confirmed that the dental pulp of a multirooted tooth remains sufficiently viable after apicoectomy of one root and that treatments such as improvement of occlusion, decrease of tooth mobility with fixation and so on, are important for fine healing process of apex of the root.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 2002-12-31
- Er:YAGレーザー窩洞の辺縁漏洩について
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