K. マンスフィールドに見るジャポニスム
- 論文の詳細を見る
The age when Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) had lived her short line and written many short stories as a writer, was also that of later period of prevalance of Japonisme in the Western world. In her works called New Zealand stories, we can find several Japanese goods and plarnts; Japanese umbrella, Japanese cosy, kimono jacket, Japanese sunflower and so on. It seems that these were mainly results of the spread of Japonisme from Britain to New Zealarnd, the colony, and to the Beauchamps, her parents' home. And her liking for Japanese goods and taste were held for life. We can find many evidences in her journal and letters. In her literary works, thirngs Japanese are sometimes used simbolically and suggestively, sometimes used merely as one of details of the background. Generally speaking, it seems that her acceptance remained on a stage of Japonaiserie. But she was influenced indirectly by sophisticated Japonisme through artistic works of Post-impressionists who also accepted Japonisme and created new Expressionism. Prior to taking her way to be a writer, she read THE BOOK OH TEA (1906) of Okakura-Kakuzo (1863-1913) in Wellington. Having read this book, she woul'd have comprehended basic principles of Japonisme, and accepted important suggestions for her literary creation.
- 日本ニュージーランド学会の論文
- 1999-12-10
- マンスフィールド研究雑記帳(続)
- 日本とNZ-もうひとつの絆- : マンスフィールド記念館の開館
- マンスフィールド研究雑記帳(続)
- マンスフィールド研究雑記帳(続)
- マンスフィールド研究雑記帳
- K. マンスフィールドに見るジャポニスム