- 論文の詳細を見る
Ita humans, rabbits, goats and fowls skin tenxpcraturcs XXZCFC rneastured irt variousareas of the body at ambient temperatures falling front 40 to 5(C artd some randomconstant ambient temperatures lcetween 0 and 40C.1. Skin temperatures flxtctuated with a large amplitttde o[ over O.2C wzithout anysjvcci?t1 c;ruses, the largest ;tntplitudc 1.vcing alcout 20C in fowls.2. f lae patterrts o[" tcmperatture cltautgc ?vt various skit? sjcots were cl?tssificd Lertta-Li,zely irato the fol1owir?g 4 types.a. Tyjce l : Large fluctuatiort of skin tcn?j>erature was exhibited inn tlte ntiddlerange of aml>iernt temperature. An S-shaped curve was shown when the maximum skirttemperatures at each arnbient temperature had been plotted.b. Type 2: Small fluctuation of skin temperature was exhibited in the middle andthe higlter ranges of ambient ternperature. Skin temperature was always a little higherthamr ambient temperature. c. Type 3 : Large fluctuation of skin temperature was seen in a relatively lowrange of ambient temperature. A bow-shaped curve was SIIOVVII only when the maximalvalues of skin temperature at each ambient temperature had been plotted and connected.d. Type 4 : Small fluctuatic>n of skin ternperature was exhibited in aJmccst allranges of ambient temperature. A bow-shaped curve was shown.3. The human toe tennperature was only one measurccrnent that was classifiecl ir?totwo types. Of the cases c>f this temperature, rnatty 1>elc>nged to type I and S0IIIC tc>type 2.4. It took a long time, sometirnes 3 or 4 hours, for the temperatures aL sucln skixtspots as those of the human toe and rabbit hind leg to t"ccach a final stable v;tlue inresponse to a given ambient temperature.5. The largest amplitude of fluctuation in lcody tennperature at a given constantambient temperature was about llC in humans, about l4C in rabbits, about 11).6Cita goat, and about 20C inn fowls.6. The rise in skin temperature arnd the large fluctuation in ski?n temper;atureobserved in type l seemed to ;tjcpear sirnttltaneously in the S21rnC r;tngct of ;trnlm>ientternperature.7. Each species c*V animals, includirtg hum;ans, had its OVVII range of amlcienttemperature in which skin temjcerature type I rose considerably and showed largefluctuations. Such range was apj>roximately from 20 to 25C in? hurnans, 16 to 23Cin rabbits, 15 to 25C in goats arnd 15 to 23C in fowls.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1967-04-25
原田 悦守
本間 慶蔵
木村 克弥
関根 和男
佐藤 秀敏
- アドレナリン, グルカゴン, ハイドロコーチゾン, サイロキシンあるいはインシュリン投与のラット膵外分泌に及ぼす影響
- 10 ウサギ耳翼皮膚温におよぼす神経切除の影響について
- 恒室温下におけるヒト,ウサギ,ヤギ,ニワトリの皮膚温変動について
- 193 恒室温下長時間連続記録によるひとの皮膚温(足指,手指,耳朶)に関する研究 (第59回日本獣医学会記事)
- 119 ひとおよび2,3家畜の皮膚温について
- 121 恒室温時に見られる特定部位の皮膚温動揺と体温調節について
- 66. 伝貧馬血清の電気泳動図的研究 (第32回日本獸医学会記事)
- 117 中枢神経系のK,Naについて
- 150. 仔牛神経の K 及び Na 交換 (第45回日本獣医学会記事)
- 154. 発熱因子に関する研究 I
- 103. 馬の放血后死に到る迄の経過について I. 放血量と心電図
- 81 にわとりにおける皮膚温動揺の解析
- 143 中枢神経系のK,Na : 特に網膜を中心として
- 155. 伝貧馬血清の電気泳動図的研究 II