本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 VII. ネズミの甲状腺腫について
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As has already been reported, endemic goiter is prevalent among farm animalsin Nagano prefecture. The correlation of disease of farm animals and human beingswith rats seemes to be closed. In the present study, on the basis of these findings,histopathological observations were made on the thyroid glands of rats obtained inNagano prefecture. Moreover, the results were compared with the findings on thoseexamined in Toyama prefecture. Eleven rats (7?. rattus) and 4 mice (Mus molos-sinus) from Nagano prefecture, and 17 rats (R. rattus) and one mouse (Musmolossinus) obtained in Toyama, were used for this purpose as materials.The glands are classified by the characteristic features of acini, and the mainresults are summerized as follows :Type 1 (normal gland) : The follicicles are fairly uniform in size (30 to 50micron in diameter) and lined by uniform, low cuboidal cells. Twelve glands of thistype (66.7 per cent) were obtained in Toyama prefecture and 9 (60.0 per cent) inNagano.Type 2 (so-called "the thyroid gland in regions of endemic goiter") (almostnormalType 4 (glands present a solid mass made up of small follicles) : The acinarcavity are narrowed into a rectangular form with deeply stained nuclei. The cot-loid is abundant or pale. One case (5.5 per cent) was found in Toyama prefecture,and 2 cases (13.3 per cent) in Nagano.Type 5 (parenchymatous goiter) : The follicular epithelium varies from alow cuboidal to a high colmnar. The parenchyma cells increase in number tilltheyfrom a papillary proliferation in the acinar cavity. They are usually irregular inshape, and these nuclei are oval or spherical. The acini average from 45 to 105microns in diameter. The colloid is small or absent. Type 5 was one (6.7 per cent)of the 15 cases in Nagano prefecture.The result of this examination may be noteworthy. In place of the suspended cell culture method used bv most investizators in therast, ENDERS and his co-workers r>lasma-clot culture-method was used. Using thesvnthetic medium No. 199, containinz horse serum, roller tube culture of spleenand kidney tissues were undertaken.Hog cholera virus was first injected into and then cultivated in the tissue cultureand then transfered into another one. Tissue culture of the lVIiyazaki strain of 9rassaues and the ALD strain of 4 rassazes were infected into the swine. On the12th passage of the lVIiyazaki strain, infective fiter was also determined.From the results of clinical findings, percentage of leucocytes, anatomical viewsand bacteriological examination, it was confirmed that the pathogen which producedthe disease in all the pigs tested and which caused their deaths, was hog choleravirus descended from the one used for inoculation. The infective fiter was a dilu-lion of 10 It stood 10 days in Miyazaki strain and 17 days in ALD strain asa course of disease. This fact seemed strange, because it is characteristic that thecourse of the disease is longer in the Miyazaki strain than in the ALD strain whenfresh, natural blood virus is injected. If the prolongation of the course in the ALD strain means the decrease of virulence, it may be considered that the Miyazakistrain is more suitable to the tissue culture than the ALD strain. In the groupof dilution 10- in the infeetive Liter test, febrile reaction appeared normal betweenthe 8th to 17th day of the disease and was supposed to recover and resist, but itwas followed by a secondary rising of fever and death on the 34 th to 37 th dayof the disease.It was uncertain whether the fact was caused as a result of the chronic course9of the disease owing to a dilute virus or whether it was caused by other, secondaryreasons. But, the characteristic changes indused by chronic hog cholera wererecognized. on autopsy, and the bacteriological examination was negative. Fromthese facts it was considered that the death was caused by hog cholera virus. Ferritin is an iron-containing protein which is stored maitnly in the marrowliver and spleen etc.. Above all, the richest source of ferritin is the reticulo-endothelial system of the horse spleen, but ferritin is not contained in the bloodof the jugular vein of the normal horse.On the other hand, it was found by means of a new complement fixationtest" that free ferritin was contained in the blood of the jugular vein of theanemia infected horse.Therefore, first of all, the proving for the new methed of the complementfixation test on the free ferritin in horse serum was tne result of this study.The results are summarized as follows :(1 ) This complement fixation test is a new method for the identificationof the antigen, that is, the free ferritin in the anemia infected horse serumthrough the use of the known rabbit antiserum for crystallizable horse spleenferritin as shown in Table 1.Especially, the antiserum was heated at 65 C for 30 minutes and the titerof 2 units was used. The antigen was prepared by the following method :At first horse serum was heated at 80C -85C for 5 -TO minutes. Then,the coagulum was stirred with a glass-rod and was then separated at 4000 r. p. m.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1957-08-30
- 家鶏における雄性雌雄同体の一例
- 94.クロレラの飼料化に関する研究 : III.クロレラベーストのぬかサイレージ製造試験(貯藏・加工などに関する問題,日本草地学会第8回発表会講演要旨)
- 93.クロレラの飼料化に関する研究 : II.クロレラペーストの防止剤による貯蔵試験(貯藏・加工などに関する問題,日本草地学会第8回発表会講演要旨)
- 27.採種用レンゲに対する作物乾燥剤応用試験 : IV.現地試験(育種,採種,イタリアンライグラス,カブ,ソルゴなどに関する問題,日本草地学会第7回大会講演要旨)
- 26.採種用レンゲに対する作物乾燥剤応用試験 : III.多雨期における含水量の変化(育種,採種,イタリアンライグラス,カブ,ソルゴなどに関する問題,日本草地学会第7回大会講演要旨)
- 75 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : XII. ヨードカゼイン添加ナタネ油かす飼料給与の白鼠甲状腺に及ぼす影響(2)
- 74 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : XI. ヨードカゼイン、KI添加ナタネ油かす飼料給与の白鼠甲状腺に及ぼす影響(1)
- 141 実質性甲状腺腫に関する研究 : X. 緬山羊に対するヨードカゼイン、KI添加ナタネかす飼料給与の影響
- 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : IV. ナタネを給与した家鶏と家兎の甲状腺腫
- 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : III. ナタネ給与による白鼠の甲状腺腫
- 53 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : IX. 白鼠に対するKI添加ナタネかす飼料給与の影響
- 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : II. ナタネかす給与による家鶏, 家兎の甲状腺腫
- 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : I. ナタネかす給与による白鼠の甲状腺腫
- 86 本邦における家畜の甲状腺種に関する研究
- 111 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 VIII.ナタネかす給与による緬山羊の甲状腺腫について(2)
- 104. 実験的甲状腺腫に関する研究 : IV. 白鼠に対する処理法を異にする菜種給与の甲状腺に及ぼす影響 (第45回日本獣医学会記事)
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : X. 甲状腺腫の臨牀的所見及び病理組織学的分類. 補遺
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : IX. 地方病性甲状腺腫に羅病した緬山羊の転地飼育試験
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : VIII. 緬山羊の先天性甲状腺腫予防法について
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 VII. ネズミの甲状腺腫について
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : VI. 緬山羊の甲状腺腫について(2)
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : V. 豚の甲状腺腫について
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : IV. 役肉用牛の甲状腺腫について
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : III. 乳牛の甲状腺腫について
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : II. 山羊の甲状腺腫について(1)
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に關する研究 : I. 緬羊の甲状腺腫について
- 103. 本邦に於ける家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 VIII. 緬山羊に於ける甲状腺種予防試験
- 102. 本邦に於ける家畜の甲状腺腫について
- 51. 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 VI. 豚の甲状腺腫について
- 50. 本邦に於ける家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 V. 乳牛の甲状腺腫について(第2報)
- 58. 本邦に於ける家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : III. 山羊及乳牛の甲状腺腫について : IV. 緬羊の甲状腺予防試験 (予報) (第32回日本獸医学会記事)
- 30. 緬羊ノ甲状腺腫ニ就イテ : I. 發生状況 (第29回日本獸醫學會記事)
- 紫雲英乾草製造に関する研究 : 1.ハサ架乾燥法の乾燥状況及び乾草粉末の吸湿について(予報)
- 紫雲英の埋草製造に関する研究 : 1.重圧下における新鮮材料に対する水添加の実験的研究
- 本邦における家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : 緬山羊の甲状腺腫について(第2報)
- 本邦に於ける家畜の甲状腺腫に関する研究 : 山羊の甲状腺腫に就いて
- 122.クロレラの飼料化に関する研究 : IV クラレラペーストの防腐剤による貯蔵試験(第2報)(飼料成分・飼養,日本草地学会第9回大会講演要旨)
- 121.クロレラの大量培養に関する研究 : IV クロレラの増殖におよぼす殺虫剤の影響(飼料成分・飼養,日本草地学会第9回大会講演要旨)