台湾新幹線C215工区 桃園トンネル建設工事(<小特集>トンネル最前線)
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Taiwan High Speed Rail Project is one of the big oversea construction projects. The planed route is 326km distance between Taipei and Kaohsiung. The structural layout is composed by Tunnels (15%), Viaducts (75%), Cutting & Embankments (10%). This project has been contracted as a package which included Design and Build, BOT Model. This paper indicates that outline of Taoyuan Tunnel at C215 area with focusing Contraction Method for unconsolidated ground Tunnel. Tunnel stability could not be ensured due to five sand layer with aquifer, AGF-OFP (Grouted long Forepoling) was applied as the main auxiliary method.
- 2002-07-01
山田 毅
吉川 晃司
(株)大林組・互助営造jv台湾新幹線c210 C215工事事務所
土原 久哉
中垣 秀昭
山田 毅
- 台湾新幹線C215工区 桃園トンネル建設工事(トンネル最前線)
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