- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of the autumn-application of selected herbicides, i.e. liquid formulation of glyphosate and glufosinate, water-soluble granular formulation of bialaphos, and granular type of DBN-DCMU, on the growth of Rumex obtusifolius L. which is one of the dominant weeds in apple orchards were investigated. The results obtained in the present study are as follows : 1 . When the herbicides were applied in mid-November, the amounts (fresh and dry weights) of weeds in the following spring were reduced, and thus an additional herbicide application or weeding was not required until mid June. Rumex obtusifolius L. was effectively controlled by these herbicides. 2 . The application of herbicides, i.e. glufosinate and bialaphos, was most effective in late autumn, before the weeds began to wither. 3 . The amount of NO_3-N in the soils in early spring depended on the amount of weeds. The NO_3-N concentration in the soils was high when the amount of weeds was small. 4 . In the plots where a larger amount of weeds was present at the time of fertilizer application, most of the nitrogen applied was immediately absorbed by the weeds. Thus, the translocation of nitrogen into the root zone of the apple trees was markedly restricted. 5 . The amount of nitrogen in the weeds ranged from 3.1 to 3.8% on an oven-dry basis. The quantity of nitrogen absorbed by the weeds was estimated to be equivalent to approximately 150 kg-N as fertilizer per ha when the weeds grew profusely until early June. 6 . As the effect of fertilizer application was enhanced by the application of herbicides in autumn, the amount of nitrogen available to the apple trees remained in the soils. 7 . These results indicate that the autumn application of herbicides in the apple orchards reduced the labor requirement for weed control in early spring and at the same tirne the effect of fertilizer application was enhanced. Consequently, herbicide application in autumn was advantageous for the systematic control of weeds in apple orchards.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1989-10-30
- 7 除草剤による果樹園の草生管理に関する研究 : 第5報 果樹園におけるハルジオンの生態と防除について
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- 82 除草剤による果樹園の草生管理に関する研究 : 第4報 リンゴ幼木の生長に及ぼす草生管理法の影響
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- 43 リンゴ・ふじ・の結実抑制に及ぼすNSK-905の効果
- 25.ブラシノライドがリンゴに及ぼす2,3の知見 (第24回大会研究発表抄録)
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- 25 ブラシノライドがリンゴに及ぼす2、3の知見
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- リンゴ栽培における植物生長調節剤の利用に関する研究 : 薬剤摘果を中心として
- 76 除草剤による果樹園の草生管理に関する研究 : 第2報 草生リンゴ園におけるビアラホス剤の利用について
- リンゴ栽培における植物生長調節剤の利用に関する研究
- 32 Ethephon加用Carbarylによるリンゴの摘果効果
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