Kinetische Untersuchung uber die Eisbildung in Wasser
- 論文の詳細を見る
The time lag of ice formation in water which nucleates abruptly from a supercooled state was studied by means of a statistical method to obtain the ice formation probability. The activation energy for the nucleation was calculated from the ice formation probability to be 50±20 kcal/mol. This value is much less than that calculated by using the classsical nucleation theory, while the activation energy for the development of an ice nucleus was the same as the latent heat for the phase transition from water to ice. The ice formation probability was proportional to the cube of the pressure over the supercoo1ed liquid.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1969-05-05
Terao Kunio
Yokohama National University Faculty Of Engineering
Ohtomo Yasuhiko
Yokohama, National University, Faculty of Engineering
Ohtomo Yasuhiko
Yokohama National University Faculty Of Engineering
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