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A system for analysing characteristics of linear lumped mechanical systems is developed on a personal computer. The system consists of the following four parts : i) graphical entry of mechanical systems, ii) symbolic operation for deriving the transfer functions, iii) numerical computation of the characteristics such as frequency characteristics and free or forced vibrations, iv) display of the results. This paper presents the principle and a simple algorithm for translating a given mechanical system graphically entered into its equivalent circuit. Symbolic analysis of the circuit through a standard linear equation in the form of [numerical formula] is also proposed. These methods improved man-machine interface and provide rapid computation so that the proposed system affords a handy tool for crude analysis, desiqn and instruction of mechanical systems. The algorithm is explained using a two-degree-of-freedom system with a dynamic damper as the example.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 1984-03-15
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