- 論文の詳細を見る
The ISO working on the identification and classification of soils was completed mostly. The backgrounds of deliberation have been already reported on the TSUCHITO-KISO. In this paper, the outline of the ISO standards on the identification and classification and the main deference point between ISO standards and "Method of classification of geomaterials for engineering purposes" on JGS Standard (JGS 0051-2000) are presented. The simple method which the identification of ISO14688-1 does not describe in the JGS standard is presented as a standard. It seems that it certainly becomes helpful practically. However, about the particle size and the graphical symbols differing from JGS standard greatly, the activity that aimed at the ISO amendment in every five years is required.
- 社団法人地盤工学会の論文
- 2003-07-01
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