A333 平板に沿って進行する渦輪の挙動の 3 次元的観測
- 論文の詳細を見る
The dynamic motion of a vortex ring traveling along a flat plate has been experimentally studied by visualizing the flow field developing in time sequence. The vortex ring initially travels along the flat plate and the nearest vortex core to the plate gradually approaches the plate. The forward facing shock is formed between the nearest vortex core and the plate. The nearest core approaches still more the plate and comes into contact with it. The vortex line is broken at the point. The broken vortex cores adhere to the plate and moves laterally as well as forward. The vortex line stretches and vertically rises up from the vortex adhering to the plate. A new vortex is formed on the plate. The vortex ring also interacts with it and is transformed into a complicated topological form.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2000-07-25
- 26p-G-6 渦の再結合と放射音
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- A333 平板に沿って進行する渦輪の挙動の 3 次元的観測
- 29a-P-9 渦輪に衝突する衝撃波の変形とその変遷
- 29p-WD-4 平行平板間を進行する圧縮渦輪の挙動と衝撃波
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- 25p-L-5 3つの渦輪の衝突による放射音