A234 多点レーザシート光を用いた CT スキャン型 2 次元瞬間濃度計の開発
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A heap of knowledge accumulated in recent years on the coherent structure of turbulence made it possible to connect the structure of concentration field with that of turbulence, and the needs for advancement of physics of concentration structure are rapidly increasing. This paper presents the outline and several improvements of both hardware and software for the concentration instrument developed. The improvements increased remarkably the performance of CT-scan type 2-D instantaneous concentration meter. For laser shedding mechanism, multi-laser-sheets expanded by cylindrical lens has been adopted, instead of the mechanical scan by stepping motor, to avoid rotating parts completely. Laser lights from an array of emitters are switched on and off, successively. Signals of laser light from emitters which passed through the concentration field have been received by an array of receiving units and recorded continuously, the sampling period being considerably shortened.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2000-07-25
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