再現期間 50 年の年最大風速分布図について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this report, estimated maximum wind speeds. About 300 points are selected from all parts of Japan except mountains areas, and estimation of the wind velocity is made based on the location of the point, landshape, height and other factors which may affect the wind speed. Out of them about 140 points have observed data, and their calculated results accord to the observed values well. Wind speeds of the poinds likely to be exceed only once 50 years (at 10m above the ground level) are tabled and plotted on the maps as wind velocity distribution. Coeffiecients for different return periods are also proposed. Authors hope that the data presented may contribute to the study in this field as well as to practical design of structures for wind pressures.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
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