- 論文の詳細を見る
In towns and cities the green tract of land is going on decreasing yearly, so the technology for planting on the artificial ground such as concretes structures, pavement and the like, was investigated to recover natural environment in these disolated districts. On the models of artificial ground, the growth of three kinds of ground cover plants, Zoysia metrella (KOHRAISHIBA), Kentucky blue glass and Flench marry gold, were examined with loam and perlits mixed soil to make clear the foundmental problems about planting method. And various effects of the planting layer on the building structures were also investiglated. The result of the experiment were as follows. (1) The vitalle limit of the depth of soil strata was 10cm with irrigation, and 20cm without one. (2) The growth of both turfs was slow, but lived on 5cm depth soil bed. (3) The reasonable volume of irrigation on the thin soil strata was 20mm per 5 days. (4) The maintenances of planting such as irrigation, fertilization, prevention of insect damage and so on are more important than in the case of natural earth ground. (5) The planting layers were effective for the insulations of structures.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1980-11-30
上田 寛
林 貞雄
渡辺 啓三郎
フジタ工業 技術研究所
渡辺 啓三郎
小川 鑑
林 貞雄
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