中世春日社付属殿舎の造替について (1)
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Chaper 1 : Chumon (the south inner gate in front of Four Main Shrines). Three corridors (in front of the Four Main Shrines). Nejiriro (the rising corridor at the west side of the Four Main Shrines). Chaper 2 : Heiden (the offering hall) & Maidono (dancing stage) of the Main Shrine. Chaper 3 : Naoraidono (the Banquet hall). Chaper 4 : Utsushidono (used to house the godly presences kept in the Four Main Shrines while these are being rebuilt). Chaper 5 : Hoko (the storehouse of the godly treasure). Chaper 6 : Nanmon (the south gate). Keigamon, Sojomon, Naijimon (these small gates on the west side corridor) and the Kairo (corridor). Chaper 7 : Chakutoden (usedas a resting place for important visitors such as the Shogun or Emperor). Summary Chaper 8 : Kamadono (kitchen hall). Chaper 9 : Sakadono (the sake-brewery hall). Chaper 10 : Gokusho (refectory). Chaper 11 : Jinguji (a shrine and temple on the same compound). Chaper 12 : Toto (the eastern five-storied pagoda). Chaper 13 : Saito (the western five-storied pagoda). Chaper 14 : Haisha of Wakamiya Shrine (the worship hall). Chaper 15 : Onro. Hosodono. Kagurasho of Wakamiya Shrine (new used only during festivals otherwise nothing is contained within). Chaper 16 : Chozuya (place for wates used in purification ceremony). Conclusion This paper describes the history of each of these buildings in the Kasuga Shrine, in reference to the question of the Style and its relationship to the age in which they were built and to their importance in the organization of Shinto Shrine architecture at both the Kasuga and Kamo Shrines.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1974-08-30
- 春日神社摂社若宮社の創建年代について : 建築歴史・建築意匠
- 6 柞(えす)原八幡宮本殿について(歴史・意匠)
- 3 春日大社領地と一間社春日造社殿の分布について(歴史・意匠,農村建築,都市計画,住宅問題,建築計画,ソビエト建築)
- 石清水八幡宮の幣殿と舞殿について : 建築経済・住宅問題
- 7 春日大社の旧社殿 : 江戸時代の規模(歴史・意匠)
- 『かすが』掲載の春日社寺曼荼羅に見える建築の年代
- 4 春日大社の旧社殿 : 鎮座地について(10.歴史・意匠)
- 春日社付属殿舎の機能について (2)
- 中世春日社境内末社の造替について
- 春日神社旧殿処分の慣行と春日造社殿の分布について
- 春日社付属殿舎の機能について (1)
- 中世春日社付属殿舎の造替について (2)
- 中世春日社付属殿舎の造替について (1)