柱間の内法・心々・外法の関係 (ICO 型分類) : 日本古代建築寸法計画の解析的研究・その 2
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We have known the most of the Buddhist architecture have the ratio between the central or longer bay and side or shorter bay. Researching the drawing of the ancient Japanese architecture by actual survey measurements, in regard to the distribution of bays, you'll find that the longer bay has the relation of the inside or outer measurement to the shorter one near by the diameter of columns or the length of daito (capital). For example, in the Kondo of Horyuji West Temple, the inside measurement, from inside face of column or daito to inside face of another one, of the longer bay is nearly equal to the outer measurement, from the outside face of column or daito to the outside face of another one, of the shorter bay of the ground floor. The relation of the longer bay and shorter bay is, in general, represented by "ratio", however, if these bays have the relation of the inside (I) and outer (O), it is not only "ratio" but also "balance". In case of the relation to the balance, subtracted the length of the shorter bay from the length of the longer bay, these bays are alloted proportionally by the balance. In this paper I tried to examine the relation of the columns or daito to the bay for I suppose this balance of each bay is concerned in a module.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1974-01-30
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