統合化CAD / CAM構築のための船体構造モデリングとシステム・アーキテクチャーに関する研究
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Nowadays many researches select topics on CAD/CAM. This population comes from the rapid progress of computer technology and the inovation of computer graphics and geometric modeling technology. This paper aims to reveal the tashs to be solved on the boundary area of navalarchitecture and information technology by considering the feature of the shipbuilding industry. The basic theory of solid modeling is expanded to enable ship's hull structure representation. In order to realize the integreated CAD/CAM, the concept of system architecture have a great importance. This paper examines to design a open architecture using network processing methodology based on ship's product modeling and LAN technology.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
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- 統合化CAD / CAM構築のための船体構造モデリングとシステム・アーキテクチャーに関する研究
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