(62) A New Plate Buckling Design Formula (3rd Report): On the Real Edge Condition
Kim J.y.
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Hull Initial Design Dept.
Paik J
Pusan National Univ. Pusan Kor
Kim Wha
Hull Initial Design Department Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
Chung Yun
Department Of Naval Architecture Pusan National University
Paik Jeom
Pusan National Univ
Chung Yun
Pusan National Univ.
Kim Jeong
Pusan National Univ.
Kim Wha
Pusan National Univ.
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- (36) Effect of Fluid in Ships Tanks on the Behavior of Double Hull VLCCs in Collision
- A New Plate Buckling Design Formula (3rd Report) : On the Real Edge Condition
- (62) A New Plate Buckling Design Formula (3rd Report): On the Real Edge Condition
- 新しい板挫屈設計公式
- A New Plate Buckling Design Formula : 2nd Report : on the Plasticity Correction
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