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Marine propellers, being operated in the wake of a vessel, are subjected to the forces and moments of every kind. This paper deals with the theoretical treatise of this probem with an approximation after the manner of Mr.H. Glauert. Consider a right handed propeller and choose the system of axes shown in Fig. 1. The axis of x is taken forward along the axis of rotation, the axis of y to the left, and the axis of z upwards. Let OP represent one blade of the propeller at an angle ψ from Oy, and let the speed of advance and the angular velocity of the propeller be V and Ω respectively. For a propeller of a twin-screw vessel, the flows as follows must be taken into account besides the uniform axial one. (i) Velocity v along the axis of y, [umerical formula]. (ii) Non-uniform flow of the direction of the axis of x varying along the axis of y, [numerical formula] (iii) circular flow around the axis of x, [numerical formula] where w_1 and w_2 are the wake fraction at ψ=0 and ψ=π respectively, w is the mean wake fraction over the propeller disc, and r=√<y^2+z^2>, [numerical formula], Γ is the cyclic constants. Let the components of the inerements of the resultant force and moment experienced by the propeller be δX, δY, δZ and δL, δM, δN respectively, then these values may be expressed as shown in the following table. In this table T and Q are the thrust and torque of the propeller in uniform axial motion respectively, and R is the radius of the propeller. Δ_1 and Δ_2 denote the differential operators defined by the equations [numerical formula] respectively, A_1 and A_2 are the coefficients expressed as [numerical formula]
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