船舶内に於けるゴキブリ類, 特にチャバネゴキブリの棲息量に就いて
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Cockroaches living in the vessels which entered the port of Kobe were collected over a period of 2 years and 8 months, from April 1953 to November, 1955. 2. Sixkinds of cockroaches were found during the period mentioned above. The species are as follows : Periplaneta americana L., Periplaneta australasiae F., Blattella germanica L., Stylopyga rhombifolia S., Neuphoeta cinerea O., Leucophaea surinamensis L. 3. The number of Blettella germanica L. found dead as the result of HCN-fumigation using for deratting in the vessel was supposed to be the real number of cockroaches living there. 4. 120 vessels were fumigated with HCN and 719, 801 Blattella germanica L. were found dead. 5. Investigation on the incidences of Blattela germanica L. was made each on the seasonal changes of climate (winter-19.13%, spring-28.41%, summer-27.74%, autumn-24.70%), on the classification of compartment (galley-66.94%, pantry & dining-room-17.11%, crew quarters-7.6%, provision store rooms-6.76%, officer's quarters & passenger quarters-1.38%, ) on the description of vessel (cargo boat-42.70%, passenger boat-34.35%, tanker-22.12%), on the age of vessel (within 1 year-3.11%, 1-3 years-23.07%, 3-5 years-27.91%, 5-10 years-16.73%, over 10 years-29.91%), and on the kind of route (Formosan, Okinawa & Korean line-12.53%, North American, European line-30.37%, South-East Asiatic, Middle Near Eastern & African line, Central-South American line-57.09%) 6. This investigation was done on the influence of the last HCN-fumigation effected on Blattella germanica L. (within 6 months-26.32%, 1/2-1 year-34.28%, 1-2 years-24.86%, over 2 years 14.52%).
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1957-08-01
- 3 Echidnophaga murina の採集例について
- 船舶内に於けるゴキブリ類, 特にチャバネゴキブリの棲息量に就いて
- 船舶内に於けるゴキブリ類, 特にチヤバネゴキブリの棲息実態に就いて(第 9 回大会講演要旨)
- 海洋環境からのkappa型ファ-ジ,類K型ファ-ジの分離とその性状