シナハマダラカの実験室内飼育について (英文)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. A colony of the mosquito, Anopheles (Anopheles) sinensis Wiedemann, 1828, has been established and is now in the eighth generation. 2. Adults are housed in a screened 3′×3′×2(1/2)′cage in an insectary in which temperature is maintained at 27℃, and relative humidity is kept at 75%. 3. Sliced apples, sucrose solution (soaked in cotton pads) and a shaved, restrained rabbit are provied for food. In addition, an opportunity to feed on man is given daily. 4. Larvae are reared in aerated tap water in wooden tubs and enamel pans containing algae, Spirogyra quinina, and are fed powdered rabbit liver and powdered, high protein, laboratory rodent chow. 5. Eggs hatch in two or three days. Duration of the larval stage averages 10 days. Average duration of the pupal stage is two days. 6. Controlled light intensity and regulated duration of light and dark periods did not prove significant in establishing the colony. On the other hand, high relative humidity proved essential for maintenance of engorgement and oviposition rates and lowering the daily death rate. 7. Chief factor limiting colony size was reluctance of females to feed on rabbits and other laboratory animals. The present daily engorgement rate of about 10% of available females was achieved by rubbing human perspiration on the shaved back of the rabbit placed in the adult cage nightly.
- 1964-10-31
利岡 静一
利岡 静一
Keegan Hugh
MSC, U. S. Army
鳩山 一
MSC, U. S. Army
利岡 静一
MSC, U. S. Army
Weaver Robert
MSC, U. S. Army
Keegan Hugh
Msc U. S. Army:supervisory Entomology Technician
Weaver Robert
Msc U. S. Army:supervisory Entomology Technician
鳩山 一
Msc U. S. Army:supervisory Entomology Technician
Keegan H.L.
MSC, U. S. Army
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